Skills needed to acheive M1-000, M2-000, or M3-000 PEN tsi SCORE
M1-000 Mathematics
This assessment tool consists of 10 questions in word problem format. Each question will have at least 2 sub questions.
The M1 Series Assessment tool will demonstrate your knowledge of the following topics
- Numbers and Terminology
- Addition
- Subtraction
- Multiplication
- Division
- Positive and Negative Numbers
- Order of Operation
- Fractions (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division)
- Decimals
- Using the calculator
- Practical Applications
M2-000 : Intermediate Mathematics
This assessment tool consists of 10 questions in word problem format. Each question will have at least 2 sub questions.
- Equations
- A Variable
- Basic Algebra
- Single Variable Equations
- Solving The Single Variable Equation
- Using Addition
- Using Subtraction
- Using Multiplication
- Using Division
- Practical Application Of Single Variable Equation
M3-000 : Higher Level Mathematics
This assessment tool consists of 10 questions in word problem format. Each question will have at least 2 sub questions.
- The Number Line
- The Cartesian Coordinate System
- Absolute Vs Incremental
- Introduction The Triangles
- Basic Trigonometry
- Introduction To Basic Geometry